Monday 21 February 2022

 PCS Global Training


PCS Global Pvt. Ltd. is investing in its own success by investing in staff development. You can ready for change by providing continuing training for your staff. Employees are increasingly expecting relevant and applicable training that meets their needs as both employees and up-to-date, well-informed professionals. Providing this training is a critical component of developing a true employee experience management plan. 

While there are several training programme available, a few key courses are critical to your employees' professional success and can also be beneficial in a personal capacity.

 What an employee learns as a result of their training

 PCS Global assists Freshers in learning a variety of coding languages, launching their careers, and grooming themselves. Our customers are given the following training topic:





Machine Learning

Cloud Computing




Digital Marketing

Human Resource Management


Web Design

App Development



Employee training and development:

Development increase job satisfaction 

There are numerous benefits of training and development for a business, but employee training and development also has an impact on employee career advancement. Employees are chosen to develop their skills when they believe their company is assisting them in doing so, which increases their job satisfaction.

Development helps maintain skill and knowledge

Every talent needs to be practiced on a regular basis. If you don't, you'll lose control over it. Periodic employee training programmed function as refresher courses for your staff, allowing your company to maintain a high level of competence and knowledge while also helping them enhance the talents they've already gained.

 It increases computer and IT abilities

Employees can learn specialized computer skills and IT topics, such as how to operate software systems, through training programme. Companies may train their staff to create graphs and spreadsheets, data in databases, and comprehend network configurations in order to use a more thorough grasp of computers and increase workplace efficiency.

 It develops employees for positions of better responsibility

Employees who are advancing into higher roles and taking on greater responsibility in a business can benefit from training programme. These programme will assist students in learning the skills.


 Testimonials of Nilakash Basu;

 I am Nilakash Basu currently studying in the final year of Engineering(B.Tech) on ECE.I did an internship training at PCS Global Pvt Ltd on Java(Crud and Servlet) for about 1.5 months and it did help me a lot in interviews and during the internship. I got a job at Cognizant Technology Solutions where the interviewer was impressed when I showed my front-endback-end and full-stack projects. So I recommend my fellow juniors(who are interested in coding) to experience an internship or an equivalent training program in this organization so that you can start your career much early during your academic period and remain ahead in this competitive IT World.

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